LuWQ2021 conference postponed until 12-15 September 2022 #
## Abstract submission is now closed ##
## More information on this website follows ##
(info 29 January 2021)
## LuWQ2021 conference renamed to LuWQ2022 ##
12-15 September 2022, Maastricht, Netherlands
## LuWQ2022 website to be activated by end May 2021 ##
LuWQ2022 website will be
## Abstract submission possible from end October 2021 ##
(info 22 February 2021)
LuWQ2021 is an international and interdisciplinary conference on the cutting edge of science, management and policy to minimise effects of agriculture and land use changes on the quality of groundwater and surface waters.
Objectives of the conference are:
- to provide a forum for exchange of scientific knowledge, research to better understand ’systems function’, modelling and uncertainty;
- to discuss the entire policy cycle for water quality improvement;
- to intensify contacts (a) between soil/water related scientists, agro related scientists, social scientists, ecological scientists and economists, and (b) between scientists, water managers and policy makers.
Conference is jointly convened by:
- RIVM, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, the Netherlands
- DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark
- Umweltbundesamt (UBA), Federal Environment Agency, Germany
LuWQ2021 is the follow-up to the successful LuWQ conferences, LuWQ2019 held in Aarhus, Denmark in June 2019, LuWQ2017 held in The Hague, the Netherlands, in June 2017, LuWQ2015 held in Vienna, Austria, in September 2015 and the LuWQ2013 conference held in The Hague, the Netherlands, in June 2013.
To give you a feeling for the essence of LuWQ… The key strength of the conference is twofold. On the one side, LuWQ has a well-defined narrow focus on ‘agriculture and water quality’. On the other side, the conference is broadly oriented with regard to the various professional disciplines related to the conference topics. Based on the experience from previous Land Use and Water Quality conferences, it is just the diversity in professional background of participants which results in a multi-faceted conference programme. Consequently, LUWQ offers sessions on a broad variety of topics, all of them however dedicated exclusively to agriculture and water quality. In this sense, the conference topics range – to illustrate by a few randomly chosen examples – from scientific research on denitrification and travel time, …, challenges in monitoring and modelling at different scale (parcels, field, region), …, practice-oriented and technical measures to limit leaching of nutrients and agrochemicals, …, development of management options to mitigate effects on water quality in drinking-water protection areas, including cooperation between local governments, water supply companies and farmers, …, to policy development, and lessons to be learned from policy implementation, e.g. comparison of farmers’ behaviour between top-down and bottom-up implementation of agri-environmental measures.
The two postponements of LuWQ2021 due to circumstances beyond our control…
- The conference was initially planned for 17-20 May 2021;
- then, after consultation within the Organising Committee, we decided to postpone the meeting by four months until 13-16 September 2021;
- and finally, on advice of the Maastricht venue facility MECC – to avoid very high hotel prices in Maastricht due to an unexpectedly scheduled huge exhibition in MECC during “our” dates 13-16 September – we postponed LuWQ2021 by two weeks until 27-30 September 2021.
We truly look forward to meet with you in Maastricht during 27-30 September 2021!
Organising Committee LuWQ2021
(Dico Fraters, Karel Kovar, Brian Kronvang, Frank Wendland, Esther Wattel)
Jointly convened by
RIVM, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, the Netherlands
DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University, Denmark
Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark
Umweltbundesamt (UBA), Federal Environment Agency, Germany
Scientific Sponsors and Institutional Supporters

Introductory conference themes related presentation
Agriculture and Water Quality, Developments and challenges in science, management and policy in 2013-2021: Examples from a few countries.

Conference closure presentation,
30 September 2021
Prepared and presented by Brian Kronvang, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark.

ORAL and POSTER presentations during conference
Links to the PDF files (if author permission) added to presentations within sessions in conference programme.