Abstract Submission

LuWQ2021 conference postponed until 12-15 September 2022 #
## Abstract submission is now closed ##
## More information on this website follows ##

(info 29 January 2021)


## LuWQ2021 conference renamed to LuWQ2022 ##
12-15 September 2022, Maastricht, Netherlands

## LuWQ2022 website to be activated by end May 2021 ##
LuWQ2022 website will be www.luwq2022.nl

## Abstract submission possible from end October 2021 ##

(info 22 February 2021)

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now open.
Submission deadline is Monday 22 February 2021. Late abstract submission in principle only for poster.

Maximum length of abstract is 3000 characters, this is about 400 words or approximately half of an A4 page, in English.

Abstract Submission and Covid-19

We are fully aware of the Covid-19 related uncertainties in the period between now and the planned conference period 27-30 September 2021. Still, we would like to encourage you to submit an abstract to the LuWQ2021 conference.  We would like to point out that the submission of an abstract does not entail for you any obligation to attend the conference in person.

By submitting an abstract you merely indicate that you are interested in presenting your work at the LuWQ2021 conference. You only have to decide whether or not to attend the conference by 30 April 2021.

For more information, including the time frame when we make follow-up decisions, click to the webpage ‘Abstract Submission & Covid-19’.
Organising Committee LuWQ2021

A Tip for you to use a Template to prepare in advance Abstract Data

Before you start submitting abstract, we suggest that you prepare the input data in advance in the sequential order as you will be required to provide the data. You can store the data in a Word file from which you later can copy-paste the data one by one item during the submission process. Our experience is that such makes the actual submission process less stressful.

The Template file is your personal tool to prepare for the actual abstract submission. The Template file is NOT intended to be an abstract. Therefore please do not send the filled-out Template file to the conference organisers nor to anyone else. To download the Template file, click: LuWQ2021, TEMPLATE to prepare list of abstract input data, to use to SUBMIT ABSTRACT, 01-11-2020. [LuWQ2021, TEMPLATE to prepare list of abstract input data, to use to SUBMIT ABSTRACT, 01-11-2020.docx].

Process of Abstract Submission consists of Seven Steps

To download the file with the Seven Steps, click: LuWQ2021, seven steps composing process of abstract submission, 09-10-2020. [LuWQ2021, seven steps composing process of abstract submission, 09-10-2020.pdf]

Clicking on the button “SUBMIT ABSTRACT…” brings you to step 1 (LOGIN PAGE):

STEP 1… LOGIN PAGE where, unless you already have an account, you have to create an account, based on your email and a password. Pressing LOGIN brings you to step 2;

STEP 2… ACCOUNT PAGE where you can choose between SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT and REGISTER FOR CONFERENCE. Clicking SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT brings you to step3;

STEP 3… Tab START to provide data regarding you as corresponding author (abstract submitter). Clicking NEXT brings you to step4;

STEP 4… Tab AUTHOR(S) to add affiliation for submitting author, and, if needed, to add abstract co-author(s), including their affiliation. Clicking NEXT brings you to step5;

STEP 5… Tab ABSTRACT to include the themes relevant to the abstract, the abstract title, the abstract core text, and the presentation preference (type of presentation). Clicking NEXT brings you to step6;

STEP 6… Tab OVERVIEW which shows you on the screen the preview of your abstract. We strongly recommend that you make use of the option PRINT OVERVIEW which will generate a PDF file of the preview of your abstract, to the filename as you specify it. Clicking SUBMIT stores the abstract in the abstract database and brings you to step7;

STEP 7… Tab CONFIRMATION, with the following text on the screen:

“Abstract submission complete. A confirmation e-mail has been sent  from helpdesk@klinkhamergroup.com to email address of the corresponding author: email of abstract submitter. This may take a few minutes. In case you do not receive the e-mail please check if you provided the correct email address. If you received the e-mail in your spam folder, please make sure to white list helpdesk@klinkhamergroup.com”.

To close the abstract submission process from Tab CONFIRMATION, click RETURN to ACCOUNT PAGE. You can also return to LOGIN PAGE by clicking ‘log out’  in the top-right corner of the Tab CONFIRMATION.

Start abstract submission by clicking the button “SUBMIT ABSTRACT …”, which will bring you to step 1 (LOGIN PAGE):

As is written above, after submitting the abstract (pressing the button SUBMIT), you should receive a notification of the abstract submission. If you do not receive this notification email confirming completed abstract submission, please contact after a few minutes the Organising Committee: Karel Kovar (karel.kovar@rivm.nl), Dico Fraters (dico.fraters@rivm.nl) and Esther Wattel (esther.wattel@rivm.nl).